IYB Recreation Sponsors
Finger Lakes Runners ClubThe Finger Lakes Runners Club (FLRC) has been a longtime supporter of our running programs. With their help we have been able to bring the lifetime sport of running to area youth & families.
Dessie Jacobs Softball Sponsors for 2024
Rotary Club of Ithaca
The Sunrise and Noon time Ithaca Rotary Club have been long-time supporters in helping bring the sport of soccer to area youth.
Kiwanis Club of Ithaca - Cayuga
The Kiwanis Club of Ithaca - Cayuga has a long tradition with the local Kiwanis baseball program. For several years now, it has been managed by the IYB Recreation Dept. with the club's support.
Do you, your business, or organization have interest in being a supporter of youth recreation? We have options of sponsoring an entire program or a smaller part of youth recreation that we offer to the Ithaca-area. If so please, email or call us at 607-273-8364.